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Flowmeters, Pressure Transmitters,  Data Acquisition, DCS, Controller Products, Wireless Data Radios, pH and conductivity analzyers, TDLS, Gas Chromatographs, O2 Anlayzers, Power Monitors, Portable Test Instruments,


Pressure gauges, thermometers, diaphragm seals, snubbers  

Honeywell Analytics

Gas and flame area detection. LEL, O2 depletion, H2S, CO, NO2, CL2, NH3, HF, and more.

BW Technologies by Honeywell


Single and mult-gas clip on and hand held models for toxic and combustible gasses. 

PR Electronics

Multifunctional devices, DIN rail temperature transmitters, "hockey puck" temperature transmitters, digital indicators, I.S. barriers, signal conditioners.

Fluke Process Instruments

Spot pyrometers, portable IR thermometers, IR linescanners, rotarty kiln monitoring, glass monitoring, walloard production monitoring.


Refrigerant Leak Detection Systems, portable leak detection, hazardous gas area monitors (LEL, H2S, Co, CO2, O2 depletion)

Environment One

Generator gas dryers, generator condition monitors, hydrogen gas dryers, portable gas analyzers, hydrogen control cabinets


Oil sheen monitors, oil thickness monitoring systems

Type K

Rotary and linear pneumatic damper drives for utility power plants, refineries, powerhouse boilers, furnaces and process heaters.

Kessler Ellis Products

Flow computers, batching systems, rate meters, totalizers

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Cemtech Energy Controls, Inc. Media, PA 19063             

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